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Want to stay up-to-date with school news and events?

Schoolzine (SZapp)

We use this app to communicate with parents and caregivers about whole school events. Parents can find information about excursions, and extra-curricula activities and fundraising. 

Families can also:                                                                                                                                      

  • sign permission and consent forms for all excursions;                                                                                           
  • access forms to update family contact details, medical information and other important school consents;     
  • inform the school about children being absent or late to school;                                                                                           
  • read the latest version of the School newsletter and                                         
  • access our social media pages and website 


This app is used to share work with families and as a communication tool between the class teacher and the home. Parents and teachers can send private messages to each other and receive important school announcements. This is also a learning tool used by our classroom teachers to communicate all the learning that is happening within the classroom

School Newsletters

Newsletters are distributed in Weeks 2, 5 & 8 of each school term.  This is accessible on the school website and via the SZapp.


Face-to-face communication is always encouraged, and our families are welcome to call or come into the school and set a time to meet with any of our staff members if and when required.

Parent Handbook

Our parent handbook has information about all aspects of St Pius X school operations. You can view it here: